Jack Dumbacher
Curator of Birds and Mammals
Evolutionary Biology, Birds and Mammals

I am interested in ecology and evolution, and most of my work has focused on birds and more recently mammals.  Our department of birds and mammals conducts research on local marine mammals, collaborates with US Fish and Wildlife for important surveys of public lands, and we do a variety of research ranging from studying why birds fly into windows in urban settings to how toxic birds acquire and use poisons for defense to using genetics to study relationships among species of animals (and more...)  We currently have students in the lab ranging from high school, Masters students, PhD students

Moe Flannery, Senior Collection Manager, O&M
Senior Collections Manager, Birds and Mammals

Research Areas

Marine mammal data collection on Bay Area beaches

Co-evolution of quill mites (Syringophilidae) and their bird hosts

Birds of Southeast Asia

China Natural History Project

Ageing & sexing passerines using molt criteria

Denise Greig
Marine Biologist
Sue Pemberton
Curatorial Assistant, Birds and Mammals
Martha Velez, Ornithology and Mammalogy Curatorial Assistant
Curatorial Assistant, Birds and Mammals