The CCG lab has 3 main rooms for genomics use: the extraction room, the pre-PCR room, and the sequencing lab.
The extraction room is used for all extractions, including high molecular weight extractions, and specializes in extracting DNA from museum specimens. There is an additional extraction room for ancient DNA extractions that is affiliated with the CCG.
Our pre-PCR room is used to store extracted DNA used in ongoing research projects and also serves as lab space to set up PCR reactions. Separating pre-PCR extractions from PCR products helps reduce contamination from amplified, highly-concentrated samples.
Our sequencing lab is the powerhouse of the CCG. This lab is used for all post-PCR processing of DNA samples, library prep for various next-generation sequencing projects, and contains our gel room. The lab has all the the equipment needed for library preparations and standard Sanger sequencing with nine thermal cyclers from Thermo Fisher and Bio-Rad, one Thermo Fisher Scientific qPCR machine, Qubit 4.0 fluorometer, 4150 TapeStation, Blue Pippin, Qsonica and Covaris Sonicators, Rainin BenchSmart96, an Illumina MiSeq next-generation sequencer, and an Oxford Nanopore MinION and PromethION 2.
The CCG also has a dedicated Freezer Room that houses the Academy's frozen tissue collection and the CCG's DNA CryoCollection. It includes ten -20 degree and ten -80 degree freezers. In addition, the room now includes five Taylor Wharton 40K liquid nitrogen (LN2) storage freezers. Importantly, this room is outfitted with an emergency back-up power system to keep freezers running during a power outage.