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How Did Past Climate Change Influence Today's Plants?

Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum shares the history of juniper and cypress trees as they evolved during a cold, dry time.

How does the environment affect species? Looking at juniper and cypress trees, Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum shares their history and how they evolved during a cold and dry period in Earth's history. She also explores how current climate change might affect these trees and other plants.

About This Video

Grade level: High School; College
Length: 5 minutes
Next Generation Science Standards: HS-LS4-5; Engaging in Argument from Evidence; Stability and Change

Video Synopsis
How does the environment affect species? Looking at juniper and cypress trees, Dr. Nathalie Nagalingum shares their history and how they evolved during a cold and dry period in Earth's history. She also explores how current climate change might affect these trees and other plants.

Guiding Questions

As you watch the video, consider the following:

Connections to the Next Generation Science Standards

While this video doesn't necessarily cover the following standards in depth, it is a compelling resource you can use to supplement your curriculum that does.

Related Performance Expectation

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Science and Engineering Practice

Crosscutting Concept