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Classroom Kits

Kits are suitcases filled with all the materials you need to do hands-on science activities in your classroom!

Borrow a kit full of hands-on science materials to use in your classroom! Available for grades K-12, kits include lesson plans, educational games, specimens, books, DVDs, and more.

Due to limited staff, we have decided to pause our Classroom Kits and Kit Training Workshops until further notice. We deeply appreciate your understanding and we look forward to continuing our program when we are able.

Kit Training Workshops

We tend to offer a select number of Kit Training Workshops at the Academy during the fall semester. Reserve your spot online, and you'll become eligible to rent that Classroom Kit for use with your students!

What are Classroom Kits?

Kits are portable suitcases filled with all the materials you need to do fun, engaging science activities in your classroom. You can rent them for 3 weeks at a time, picking up your kit at the museum and returning it at any point before the due date.

Classroom kits include complete lesson plans, specimens,  background information, hands-on activities, educational games, books, DVDs, and more!

Classroom Kit Menu

How does the Classroom Kit program work?

Who is eligible to rent a kit?

Educators who have participated in a workshop for a kit are eligible to rent one. During the workshop, you will participate in the kit activities, explore the science content, and learn about methods for using the materials to engage your students in science.

How do I participate in a training workshop?

We have historically offered a select number of Kit Training workshops at the Academy in the fall semester. We are unsure when these trainings might be relaunched. Thanks for your understanding!

Okay, I'm trained in my preferred kit. How can I reserve it today?

The Classroom Kit program is on hold for fall 2021.

Once the kit is reserved, you can pick it up at the California Academy of Sciences and return it to us 2-3 weeks later (length of lending time depends on the kit). The lending fee is $30 per kit.

Do the kits support any standards?

Yes, most of our kits support implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Science is brought to life through engaging opportunities for hands-on learning. We are in the process of updating each kit for the NGSS.

Can I purchase a kit?

Unfortunately, most kits are full of specimens and special materials that are not mass-produced. Teachers must pick up their kit at the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, CA. If you live far away, consider the kits and curriculum that we offer nationwide through Science Action Club!