Woman and young girl enjoy making reindeer crafts at the Academy's 'Tis the Season for Science

Ice Lab
Daily, 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Main Floor, between Swamp and Piazza

Brrr! Explore cold-weather creatures through hands-on crafts, experiments, and demonstrations.

Creature Crafts (drop by anytime)

  • Feeling crafty? Get creative and make your own polar landscape, snowy owl mask, penguin, or narwhal tusk.

Presenter Pop-ups (unscheduled; 1–4 programs daily)

  • Melting Ice: Discover how temperature and salinity affect density with this cool-as-ice experiment.
  • Fishing for Ice: See how salt impacts the freezing point of water and try your hand at "ice fishing."

Specimen Discovery (look for specimen carts throughout the museum)

  • Bear: Examine black, grizzly, and polar bear skulls, paw prints, and pelts.
  • Caribou: Touch a caribou pelt, antlers, antler velvet, and lichen.
  • Snowflake: Explore ice crystal structures using microscopes.
  • Comet: See how household ingredients can be combined to make a replica of these icy solar bodies.

This program is part of the 'Tis the Season for Science festival. Happy holidays!