Esther Oh, Director of Government Affairs, at a congressional hearing

Esther Oh at a congressional hearing while working for Congressman Xavier Becerra.


Esther Oh, a self-described “government nerd,” spent more than eight years working on Capitol Hill, where she was on the receiving end of countless advocacy campaigns. Now she’s tapping that experience to help shape a new Advocacy Platform for the Academy.

To learn more about Esther, read the Q&A below.

What exactly does government affairs do?

Our primary role is to strategically navigate government and public policy in support of the Academy's regeneration mission. This involves cultivating relationships with a wide variety of government leaders and others, including city supervisors and state and federal legislators; ensuring government officials are updated on our ongoing initiatives; and staying informed about policy and research developments internally and externally.

What does a typical week look like for your team?

The Government Affairs team's routine is as diverse as it gets. Whether we're hosting elected officials to showcase our impactful work, participating in citywide community events, or collaborating with various Academy teams to influence government policies and funding priorities, our days are always interesting!

How did you get into government affairs?

I have always loved studying and thinking about government and public policy from a variety of perspectives. Earlier in my career, I was a policy staffer on Capitol Hill, worked on a few political campaigns, and also had internships at places like the Korean Legislature, NASA, and the IRS.

During my time in Congress, I saw the power that advocacy has in changing policy priorities and political dynamics, and the important role experts like those here at the Academy play in helping legislators make informed decisions on public policy. I’m here to help connect the dots between the policy landscape, our expertise, and our mission to drive meaningful change.

What accomplishment are you most proud of from your previous work?

Although I only had a small part in it, I’m proud to have worked on passage of the Affordable Care Act while working for Congressman Xavier Becerra. The process was intense and the end result wasn’t perfect, but it was a huge and historic step in increasing health care access for millions of Americans.

Why is it important for the Academy to have government relationships?

Building connections with the government is crucial for the Academy because it helps link our experts' work with policies and funding that have the potential to shape the future of biodiversity. These connections keep government officials well informed, fostering decisions that align with our mission to regenerate the natural world. Staying connected with the government also can keep us informed about the ever-changing political landscape, and help make sure our issues are prioritized on the agenda.

What are you most excited about at the Academy?

Our upcoming Advocacy Platform process tops the list! Our team has had a lot of success in government advocacy over the years, from helping to ban the shark fin trade in California to securing $2.1 million in state funding for Thriving California programs., The Advocacy Platform is a way to build on that work and focus our Academy-wide efforts on the most effective ways to advance regeneration. We are starting an all-staff engagement process related to the Advocacy Platform in January that will provide many different opportunities to participate. Otherwise, please reach out directly if you’d like to chat!


Staff snippets

Academy anniversary: February 2023

Favorite Academy animal: Flamboyant cuttlefish

Favorite part of your job: Talking to everyone at the Academy about their areas of expertise!

First job: When I lived in Korea, I recorded a few books on tape that were marketed to people learning English.

Other interests/passions: I love gardening; maybe one day I’ll be good at it!

Book recommendation: Showdown at Gucci Gulch. Ancient history by now, but a still relevant and fun look at the sausage making that is legislating.


About the author

Ronna Kelly is the Academy's director of communications.